one to one – targeted – results

2 days of training at your desk over 8-12 weeks. Customised to suit your role, organisation and existing tools. Targets work space (environment), work flow (efficiency) and work focus (effectiveness).

WORK-SPACE (Environment)

Develop a workspace that supports the work you do. Be able to find files easily and clear out unnecessary paper and electronic files. Evaluate and modify the physical workspace as required. Create a customised, integrated system for managing your work.

WORK-FLOW (Efficiency)

Learn to work through the backlog of work and process it using the Workflow Model ©. Organise your calendar. Learn a system for tracking those ‘miscellaneous’ items. Clarify, plan and track projects. Clear your head of outstanding commitments. Process outstanding work into the right buckets. Gain confidence in your system to track your outstanding commitments.

WORK-FLOW (Effectiveness)

Focus on activities that are high priority and in alignment with your goals. Understand what areas distract from focusing on your goals and how to minimise these - including meetings, delegating, dealing with interruptions and diversions etc. Develop ways to keep your system working for you in the long term.

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